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Please fill in the form below or email us at
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What services are you interested in?
Personal tax return
Partnership tax return
Company accounts and tax
VAT returns
For tax return services, please tick all your sources of income:
Self-employed income
Employed income
Rental income
Foreign income
Capital gains tax
Trust or investment income
What is your approximate self-employed income (before expenses)?
Below £15,000
£15,001 – £25,000
£25,000 – £35,000
£35,000 – £50,000
£50,000 +
What is your approximate total taxable income?
Below £50,000
£50,001 to £100,000
Do you keep your records:
listed on a spreadsheet
in accounting software (cloud)
in accounting software (stand alone)
listed on paper
a carrier bag full of receipts
Further relevant information
Such as how quickly you need the work carried out, what accounting software you use, number of rental properties, name of your Ltd company, number of employees for payroll, if you have had an accountant previously, if someone recommended us to you, etc.
What financial goals do you have in the next 5 year time frame? (tick all that apply)
I’d like to ensure I am optimising my tax situation and saving enough for my tax bills
I’d like to grow my business.
I’d like to get rid of my credit card debt and start saving for the future
I’d like sufficient savings for holidays or one-off large expenses such as getting married, buying a new car etc
I’d like to buy a first property or a bigger property
I’d like to save more to afford time off work to start a family
I’d like to start contributing or contribute more to a pension
Other – please detail in the box above